Andrea Hofmann works with clients in german and/or in english. The webpage is mainly in german, but here are some articles in english.
More about her work: besides Applied Kinesiology she works with Systemic Therapy (family Constellations, structural constellations etc.). Furthermore with Inner Child Work, Alkaline Bathing and also Alkaline Diet.
More information about the other methods you can find on
You can also book sessions, workshops and training with Andrea Hofmann here:
What is Applied kinesiology?
Applied Kinesiology – the method
What is Applied Kinesiology? How does it work?
Applied Kinesiology is a combination of kinesiology / kinetherapy, EMDR, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and colour therapy.
With Psycho-Kinesiology your kinesiologist can find emotional causes to psychosomatic symptoms and/or illnesses as well as causes for social or emotional problems.
Psycho-Kinesiology not only finds the causes but is able to also solve the emotional roots of your problem. Very often there is trauma from your past, quite often from childhood. Quite often the trauma stems from beyond: your own life: transgenerational trauma. Which is trauma from the life of your parents, grandparents or other ancestors. It can go back as far as five generations. It can be solved in the same way your own trauma can be solved – with Psycho-Kinesiology.
EMDR – The method that is part of Psycho-Kinesiologie
EMDR is a very effective method for trauma-therapy and part of the method Psycho-Kinesiologie
Topics for the work with Applied Kinesiology
Physical topics
For what kind of physical problems is Applied Kinesiology usefull?
Psychological topics
With what kind of psychological topics can I work with Applied Kinesiology?
Social topics
When does Applied Kinesiology help with social topics?
Applied Kinesiology and EMDR
Training in the method Psycho-Kinesiologie, based on Applied Kinesiology and EMDR
Andrea Hofmann – Consulting. Coaching. Psychotherapy.
Methods: Applied Kinesiologie, Psycho-Kinesiologie, EMDR, Family Constellations / Systemic Constellations, Inner Child Work, Alkaline Bathing, Alkaline Diet & more …
Where: Berlin Neukölln / Treptow and via Skype everywhere accesible
Coaching und Psychotherapy available in english and german
Alternative Practicioner for Psychotherapy, Lecturer, Coach, Therapist, Expert for Alkaline Bathing, Author
Dear Mr Hofmann,
My name is Katia ,I’m 28 ,I live in Berlin and I would be interested in undertaking a training to get a certificate in Pshyco Kinesiology.
I had a menthor in Energetic Kinesiology and I have some basic knowledge but I would like to improve my skills and be able to performed it as therapist.
Could I have more informations about this course?
Thank you for your attention ,
Dear Katia,
thank you for your comment!
You find more information about the course here:
The next course will be soon (8.-10. july), there are still spots available. The training is in german, not in english.
Feel free to ask more and maybe call me for registration or more questions.
Kind regards
Andrea Hofmann